Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

use of preposition and preposition combination

use of preposition 

A preposition is used to link nounpronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition is used to indicate the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence.

Here are some general rules regarding prepositions:

• It is permissible to end a sentence with a preposition.
• A preposition is followed by a noun.
• A preposition is never followed by a verb.
• It is permissible to begin a sentence with a preposition, or a prepositional phrase, but be very careful when you do so.
• A prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition.
• The subject of the sentence can never be part of a prepositional phrase.
• A verb can never be a part of a prepositional phrase.

The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:

preposition of time 

preposition of place

other important preposition

preposition combination 

preposition combinations appear frequently and must be learned "by heart" there is no rule or reason why these words go together. in fact, word collocations and preposition combinations are extremely important at the proficiency level of the english language. 

a. verb-preposition combinations 
  • agree on : we agree on that issue 
  • approve of : betty approves of exercising 
  • complain about : please do not complain about the colour 
  • consent to : she consented to her daughter's marriage 
  • comment on : she commented on his hair cut 
b. some verb preposition combination take two objects 
  • compare... with or to : why compare me with (or  to) my brother ? 
  • excuse... for : I cannot excuse you for being late 
  • prefer... to : she prefere juice to milk 
  • remind... of : she reminded me of my appointment 
  • thank... for : I thanked him for letting me use his bike 
c. adjective-preposition combinations with verb "be" 
  • be afraid of : jake is afraid of dogs 
  • be aware of : are you aware of this problem ?
  • be bored with : tom is bored with his own shirt 
  • be certain of : he cannot be certain of the date 
  • be disappointed : susan is dissapointed with her meal 
d. prepositions in fixed phrases
  • according to : according to the news , it will rain tonight 
  • as well as : I enjoy physic as well as math 
  • because of : because of the strike , there will be no busses today
  • by means of : the child entered the yard by means of an open gate 
  • by way of : john went to paris by way of london 
references : 
How to use prepositions


English Prepositions
Prepositions: Small but Tricky Little Things… | The LACS Training Blog
PREPOSITION COMBINATIONS: how to use preposition combinations

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

commonly misused words and confusingly misused words

The transition from spoken to written language can often be a bumpy one because the way we talk tends to be a lot less formal than the way we write. When we try to translate spoken ideas into writing, it is often hard to remember correct grammar. Also, we hear incorrect grammar used so often that correct grammar might sound odd or even wrong to us.

Homonyms can present an especially difficult problem because they sound alike, but the different spellings mean different things. Changing one letter in a word could alter the whole meaning of a sentence. Common phrases are also likely to be written incorrectly because in speech words are often shortened or slurred together so that not all of the letters are pronounced, making it easy to inadvertently leave these letters out when writing.
Knowing which word to use or how to write a phrase correctly can make a big difference in your writing. It is easier for readers to take a piece of writing more seriously when the grammar is correct. 

commonly misused words are word that are commonly misused it is meant to include only words whose misuse is deprecated by most usage writers , editors, and other professional linguists of standard english. the simple meaning of commonly misused words that are sounds alike but has two different meaning or called 'homonym'. 
example of commonly misused words : 
example 1 : accept (menerima) , except (kecuali) 
  • we accept all major credit card , except dinner club (kami menerima semua kartu kredit utama kecuali makan malam klub)
example 2 : adverse (merugikan) , averse (enggan) 
  • they sailed despite adverse weather condition (mereka berlayar meskipun cuaca sedang buruk ) 
  • he was averse to taking his medicine (ia menolak untuk meminum obatnya) 
example 3 : affected (mempengaruhi) , effect (efek)  
  • this poem affected me so much that i cried (puisi ini sangat mempengaruhi saya sampai membuat saya menangis) 
  • the dynamite effected the wall's collapsed (dinamit menyebabkan dinding runtuh ) 
example 4 : appraise (dinilai) , apprise (diberitahu) 
  • his performance was appraised very positively (penampilanya itu dinilai sangat positif ) 
  • I lost no time in apprising her of the situation ( saya tidak ada waktu memberitahu dia tentang situasinya ) 
example 5 : are (adalah) , our (kami) 
  • are you coming to our house after the show ? (apakah kamu akan berkunjung kerumah saya setelah pertunjukan selesai ?)
  • our family has been trying to save money because of the country's current economy situation (keluarga saya sudah mencoba menabung dikarenakan situasi ekonomi di kota sekarang ini) 
confusingly related words there are words that cause problems when the speaker is not able to distinguish between them. they are similar in meaning or pronouncation but can not be used interchangebly.
example of confusingly misused words : 

example 1 : borrow (to take a loan) , lend (to give a loan) 
  • hendry was borrow my car yesterday (hendry meminjam mobil saya kemarin  )
  • tania lend her notebook to me ( tania meminjamkan saya notebooknya) 

example 2 : lie (to not tell the truth) , lay (to put,place, set down) 
  • he lied to me about the money he'd spent (dia berbohong padaku tentang uang yang ia habiskan) 
  • he lays his key on the counter everyday (dia meletakan kuncinya di meja setiap hari)

example 3 : bring ( to carry towards someone or somewhere) , take (to carry away from someone or somewhere)
  • he bring me flower every week (dia memberi saya bunga setiap minggu)
  • he always takes his brother to hockey games ( dia selalu membawa saudaranya ke permainan 'hokey')

example 4 : tell (to report someone words) , say (to instruct, to narate)
  • tell her to close the door after going in my room (katakan pada dia untuk menutup pintu setelah masuk ke kamar saya ) 
  • did he say that im beautiful to you ? (apakah dia mengatakan kalau aku cantik pada mu ?) 
example 5 : emigrate (to leave a country) , immigrate (to move to another country)
  • alex emigrated from the US in 2001 (alex meninggalkan united state tahun 2001)
  • sam immigrated to canada in 2008 ( sam berpindah ke kanada tahun 2008)
references : 
Can or May? Do or Make? Confusing Verbs in English
Commonly Misused Words and Phrases
Wikipedia:List of commonly misused English words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia